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Macmillan Coffee Morning on 29th September at Leicester Marina

Following on from the success of last year's Macmillan Coffee Morning, Leicester Marina will be hosting a coffee morning on Friday 29th September at 10am.

Macmillan provide medical, emotional, practical and financial support, as well as campaigning for better cancer care. And because cancer affects more than just those facing it, they are there for friends and family too.

The Coffee Morning will take place in the marina office with lots of wonderful cakes and treats, as well as tea and coffee being available, with all donations going to Macmillan. There may be a gazebo for people to sit outside, weather pending.

If anyone would like to donate any cakes please feel free to call the office on 0116 2606166, and we hope to build on the success of last year and raise lots of money for this wonderful cause.

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